Brian Parks is Here if You Need the Perfect Playlist

Brian Parks’ dedication to ensuring that a job is done correctly the first time around makes his accomplishment of never leaving a work order open for longer than 24 hours all the more impressive. With the support of his hardworking team and the help of his expansive iTunes library, Brian works diligently to keep the Burnham 310 property in pristine condition and ensure smiles on the faces of the students who reside there.
How long have you worked at Campus Advantage?
I’ve been working for Campus Advantage for 2.5 years. I started as the Maintenance Technician, and after a year in the role I was promoted to Maintenance Supervisor.
What first attracted you to working for Campus Advantage?
I started out at Campus Advantage working as a contractor on a renovation at Burnham 310. When that project wrapped up, the General Manager, Chenoa Anderson, was determined to hire me as a full-time staff member. Chenoa saw a future for me at Campus Advantage due to my work ethic and experience, and she made it clear that I wasn’t going anywhere. Campus Advantage is my own, personal “Hotel California” — I checked in, and I wasn’t allowed to leave!
In a few words, describe what you/your team does for Campus Advantage.
I direct the Maintenance Department. We handle any building repairs needed and manage the contractors. As the Maintenance Supervisor, I provide constant, direct support to the General Manager, and handle all work orders.
What three words best describe you (inside or outside of work)?
- Candid — I am brutally honest. You can rest assured that you’ll always get the truth from me.
- Tenacious — I am very hard-headed.
- Hardworking — The word “idle” is not in my vocabulary.
If your life had a soundtrack, name one song that would be on it.
My iTunes library has over 72 hours of music, without duplicates, to choose one song from for my life’s soundtrack. That’s tough! I don’t do anything without music playing in the background, and I listen to all sorts of different genres — country and rock & roll are my favorites, but I listen to everything from heavy metal and blues to K-pop and rap. That said, my kids helped me pick out one song for my life’s soundtrack. We chose “Workin’” by Big Smo.
What are three words you would use to describe our culture and why?
The culture at Campus Advantage is dedicated, diligent and passionate. While I joke that I’m the black sheep of maintenance, my personal culture is in line with Campus Advantage’s culture. I do whatever it takes to get the job done well and make people happy.
What are you doing to ensure that Campus Advantage remains a leader in the student housing market?
No work order is ever open for over 24 hours on my watch. When it’s fixed, it’s fixed correctly the first time, and I don’t leave until the residents have smiles on their faces. I do things myself to make sure the job is done well — I don’t like to call for outside help. Even just before this interview I was replacing an elevator floor myself.
If you had to choose one company value that best represents you, what would it be and why?
Passion. I take the time necessary to do every job right, and seeing happy residents afterwards drives my passion for the work.
How do you empower your team to go the extra mile?
I have never, and will never, tie my team’s hands. If they need something to get a job done, I get it for them, no questions asked. Whatever it is they need, whether it’s a tool or advice, I am always there to support them.