Chris Alty Doesn’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Employee Spotlight, Chris Alty Senior Analyst

Chris AltySince joining the Campus Advantage team in 2021, Senior Analyst Chris Alty has worked closely with his team and various Campus Advantage departments to maximize revenue, develop budget plans, optimize investment performance, and make sure everything runs smoothly. His natural competitive drive is a huge motivator when it comes to finding opportunities for growth and improvement — but don’t let that fool you. Just like in the song “Hakuna Matata,” Chris is also known for his flexibility, easygoing work style, and ability to keep things light. Read on to learn more about his recent promotion, his favorite CA core value, and where you can find him outside of work.

How long have you been with Campus Advantage?

I joined Campus Advantage back in 2021 and have been with the company for about 2.5 years now working in the asset management division as a Senior Analyst. When I was first hired, I joined the team as an analyst and worked closely with Carlos Gonzalez, our Senior VP of Asset Management, which was really helpful in moving up in my role. I have recently received a promotion that I’m very excited about.

Tell us a little bit about your professional background.

I started off working as an analyst with a retail brokerage. My next job was as an acquisitions and asset management analyst with a conventional multifamily company. I spent more than two years with that company before ultimately coming to Campus Advantage in 2021.

Tell us a little bit about your current role.

As an asset management analyst, my team works with every part of Campus Advantage — whether it’s teaming up with accounting and working on financials, connecting with the leasing department, or working with the on-site teams to set their rates for leasing. My team is pretty much involved with everything here at Campus Advantage.

What first attracted you to work for Campus Advantage?

I was previously with a conventional multifamily property and was just kind of looking into entering the student side of the industry. I saw there was a lot of new money being placed into that space, and colleges aren’t moving anytime soon, so you don’t have to worry about that. I just wanted to get into the student housing space and CA had an opening, so I applied and have loved it ever since.

What does a typical day look like for you and your team?

On a typical day we have a lot of daily calls that do not change (except on Fridays — I don’t know why, but we have very few Friday calls). Outside of our call schedule, our team really has to work together to make sure everything functions properly. We touch every part within the company, so sometimes we may be working with leasing to see what benefits the properties, or we are reviewing financials or looking at our competitor rates compared to our rates and just trying to maximize revenue or minimize expenses at the property. We have a lot of ground to cover, so we are constantly working with everyone.

What three words best describe you (inside or outside of work)?

Laid-back – I’m very easygoing and like to keep things very chill most of the time.

Competitive – I like a challenge in and out of the office, so I’m highly competitive.

Fun – I like to joke around and have fun with those around me.


How would you describe the Campus Advantage culture?

Relaxed – We have kind of a laid-back style of doing things.

Innovative – We’re always trying to add the newest products and technologies, such as AI, and find new ways to better ourselves.

Passion – We have a lot of people who are passionate about this industry and passionate about being able to provide the best experience while helping our capital partners maximize their returns.

What is one of your favorite moments with Campus Advantage so far?

I started in late 2021, and I’ve really loved seeing people who have done an amazing job get promoted. Our team really crushes it at the property level, and watching those individuals get promoted is awesome to see. I love seeing people be rewarded with promotions for their hard work and doing great work.

Which of Campus Advantage’s core values represents you best?

I would say Intelligence because I’m brilliant — I’m joking, I’m joking. I would actually say Integrity. I always believe in doing the right thing, being honest with what you say you want, and what you do following up after that. Truthfulness will carry you a long way. When you’re going to do something, whether it’s with a partner or a vendor, honoring what you say is very, very big for me. So I think Integrity is the one that best describes me.

What motivates you to come to work every day?

I am pretty naturally motivated. I don’t really have that one specific thing that motivates me to come to work every day. Like I said, I’m competitive, so I just want to help the company grow, whether it’s in leasing or operations or in asset management. I just want to help the company be the best it can be. We should always be looking to improve as a company, and we need to continue improving as a company every day.

Thinking about your most successful peers and teammates, what characteristics do they share?

Being flexible in the way they think. As a company, obviously there’s some outliers, but we’re primarily dealing with 18- to 22-year-olds. Their minds are constantly changing year to year as they get older and learn more about the ins and outs of life. Being able to adapt to the way they think and meet their changing needs/preferences, whether that’s in leasing or on-site amenities or marketing, is something that is very much needed in this industry. I really admire how well my most successful teammates understand the changes these students make year to year and how easily they can adapt to meet their changing preferences.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Hiking. Thankfully, Austin has quite a few areas to go in the greenbelt and some great outdoor spots in general.

If your life had a soundtrack, what song would be on it?

I’m going to cheat, because I have two picks! The first one is “Beer Never Broke My Heart” by Luke Combs. The second would be “Hakuna Matata” from The Lion King — what a wonderful phrase!