Tionna Williams Can Handle It All

Employee Spotlight, Tiona Williams, Regional Manager

Tionna WilliamsFrom starting as a Community Assistant in college to becoming a Regional Manager, Tionna Williams has built an incredible career with Campus Advantage over the past nine years. With a passion for leadership, a commitment to teamwork, and a drive for excellence, she has embraced every challenge and opportunity along the way. Read on as we dive into Tionna’s journey, get her insights on company culture, and find out where her confidence comes from.

Tell us a little bit about your current role and how long you’ve been with the company.

I recently celebrated my nine-year anniversary with Campus Advantage and have been in the role of Regional Manager for about 10 months! I started as a Community Assistant during my sophomore year of college and have since held nearly every role within a property — if there’s a position on-site, I’ve likely done it. Last year, my supervisors created an interim role for me and another employee to help with our transition from on-site operations to a Regional Manager position. This allowed us to gain additional experience and training before fully stepping into the role. Being a Regional Manager is certainly challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding!

What first attracted you to work for Campus Advantage?

My mom loves to tell everyone that I’m a people person and that I didn’t get it from her (ha!), and I truly believe that trait is what initially drew me to student housing. I lived on campus during my first year of college, and in my second year, I signed a lease at an off-campus student housing community. That summer, while working back home, I got an email saying the complex was hiring. Instantly, I thought, “I can do this!” I’ve always been comfortable talking to people, and my past jobs gave me confidence that I could succeed in the role. A few weeks later, I drove three hours to interview alongside 60 other candidates — and I was one of just two who got hired! From that moment on, I fell in love with student housing and haven’t looked back.

What is your professional background?

In high school, I worked as an usher at a movie theater. Once I start something, I’m extremely dedicated and loyal, so I worked there for nearly two years, steadily working my way up through different positions. By the time I turned 18, I was promoted to manager. In that role, I realized how naturally leadership came to me, and it helped build the confidence that ultimately led me to apply at Campus Advantage. In addition, I worked in my college’s housing department and spent my summers employed at a long-term stay hotel, both of which gave me valuable experience in understanding the unique needs of residents — especially those living away from home for the first time.

What does a typical day look like in your role?

Every day in my role is different — I don’t really have a typical schedule. I try to start each morning by checking in with my Vice President. We stay in close communication to ensure we’re aligned on what’s happening at the properties. I’ll update her on anything significant, outline my plans for the day, and we’ll discuss any additional focus areas that may need attention. After that, I check in with my teams. Since I work remotely, I don’t always see everything firsthand, so these check-ins are essential to providing the best support. We review what’s working, what isn’t, and how we can adjust to ensure their success. In general, I try to make myself as available as possible to lend support wherever it’s needed. I also rely heavily on my planner — I map out my upcoming tasks at the start of each week and revisit my schedule daily. With so many unexpected calls, tasks, and even emergencies that arise, staying organized and maintaining clear communication are the keys to balancing all the moving parts of this role.

What three words best describe you (inside or outside of work)?

Authentic – I use this word often to describe myself both personally and professionally. One of the reasons I love it here so much is that I’ve been able to be myself, and it has served me well. I can be goofy and lighthearted while still being taken seriously because my track record shows that I get things done and can be trusted. Being authentic has allowed me to build strong relationships and thrive in my role.

Passionate – I give 100% every day. I’m the type of person who will step in to do a job that no one else wants to take on because I know it needs to get done for the betterment of the property and the company.

Confident – But never cocky! I have a strong understanding of my abilities while also recognizing there’s room for growth. If I don’t know something, I have no problem admitting it, but I’ll do everything I can to figure it out. I actively seek feedback from my supervisors to identify areas for improvement and continuously develop my skill set for the future.

How would you describe the Campus Advantage culture?

I would describe Campus Advantage as incredibly supportive. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have amazing mentors in every position I’ve held, from Marianne Farrington to Melissa Hinton and now Pam West. They’ve all been so encouraging, non-judgmental, and always in my corner. At our annual FOCUS Conference a few weeks ago, we did an exercise where people shared words that came to mind when thinking about Campus Advantage, and “supportive” came up time and time again. It was really cool to see that I’m not the only one that recognizes that. We all know that whether we reach out to a peer or a supervisor, we’ll always find someone who can relate and help us navigate any challenge that comes our way.

What is one of your favorite moments with Campus Advantage so far?

The 2022 CAmmy Awards will always stand out in my mind. I truly didn’t see it coming (maybe I have a little imposter syndrome), but that year really validated that I’m doing a great job and that my efforts are being recognized. Not only did I win Property Manager of the Year, but both my Assistant Manager and Leasing Manager also won in their respective roles. It was an incredible moment, not just because we were individually recognized, but because it showed that my leadership helped foster their success. Now, they’re both property managers themselves, and that’s something I’m incredibly proud of.

Thinking about your most successful peers and teammates, what characteristics do they share?

They show up as their best selves every day. They may not always be perfect, which is OK, but they consistently give their best effort, no matter the circumstances. They’re reliable, adaptable, and, most importantly, kind to themselves — allowing them to push forward and give their all, even when things aren’t ideal.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I have three kids, so when I’m home, I prioritize spending as much time as I can with them and giving them my undivided attention. Whether it’s jumping on the trampoline or getting on the floor to play, I’m always ready to do whatever it takes to be present with them. I’m also a big reader; you’ll almost always see a Kindle or book in my hand.

If your life had a soundtrack, name some songs that would be on it?

One song I love that many people are familiar with is “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye. Beyond the literal meaning of the song, I think it holds a lot of relevance in professional life. It reminds us that there’s nothing we can’t overcome when we have support, especially during challenging times. Struggles become easier to manage when we use that support to our advantage. Even in difficult moments, it’s a reminder that together, we can get through anything.