Matt Davis takes pride in working hard — 110 percent level hard — to provide a fulfilling personal and professional experience for students, while greeting each day with a smile. Matt joined Campus Advantage over a year ago as the Leasing Manager for 21 Oaks, a Campus Advantage property in South Carolina, and worked his way through the ranks to secure his current job as Assistant General Manager.
Self-proclaimed to take his job, but not himself, seriously, Matt is a proponent of providing the best possible environment for residents — an environment where students can not only succeed, but also enjoy the benefits of a positive and engaged staff. We grabbed some time with Matt during one of his ever-busy days to ask a couple of questions about what it’s like working at Campus Advantage, and how he stays motivated to keep staff upbeat and enthusiastic.
What first attracted you to working for Campus Advantage?
I was attracted to the overall company culture. In researching Campus Advantage before I started working here, it was clear that Campus Advantage puts a lot of emphasis on its residents, which is something I value.
In a few words, describe what your team does for Campus Advantage.
My team begins and ends with upholding the core values of Campus Advantage and everything Campus Advantage stands for. We focus on providing an environment that builds students both professionally and personally, while cutting up with our residents and having fun. We aren’t a faceless, behind-the-scenes company. We are an active part of building a positive community culture for students.
What three words best describe you?
- Hard-working – Inside and out of the workplace.
- Life of the party – I always try to have a smile on my face to get everyone else excited about being at work — or wherever they are.
- Dedicated — Whatever I put on my plate, I give it 110 percent.
If your life had a soundtrack, what’s one song that would be on it?
For my overall life at this point – Drew Holcomb: Momma’s Sunshine and Daddy’s Rain. My daughter is the reason I go to work every day.
What are three words you would use to describe our culture and why?
- Passionate – Everyone at Campus Advantage exudes passion and enthusiasm for their work. We’re all excited about being here and believe in our mission of creating successful communities that provide rewarding experiences for students.
- Driven – Campus Advantage is driven to be a world leader in student housing, and that drive trickles down from our CEO, Mike Peter, to the Community Assistants.
- MOJO – People here don’t take themselves too seriously. We get the work done, but it’s a fun environment.
What is one of your favorite moments at Campus Advantage thus far?
Attending the Campus Advantage Experience Conference for the first time in June 2017. This conference brings together Resident Directors, Leasing Managers and Assistant General Managers who oversee leasing and residence life to learn what it means to give residents the best experience possible, while also learning what it means to be a leader and how to lead effectively.
During the conference, I was able to finally meet Dan Oltersdorf and Adam Yarber, as well as Mike Peter and some other upper management. In meeting with other folks that do the same thing I do, we were able to discuss different issues and collaborate on solutions, which was very valuable.
How do you empower your team to go the extra mile, and what motivates you to do so?
For me, my motivation on the job is my residents — making sure they are getting a great experience. I work hard so that I can give myself my own stamp of approval at the end of the day. For my team, giving them constant reassurance and encouraging and building confidence is always empowering. I encourage them to always improve themselves. For example, one time we gave a rock that said “You Rock” on it to team members who go above and beyond, to motivate them to continue to do great work.
If you had to choose one company value that best represents you, what would it be and why?
MOJO – I take what I do very seriously – I give it 110 percent and live up to Campus Advantage standards, as well as my personal standards. But I am the first person to laugh at myself. I don’t take myself too seriously.
Thinking of your most successful peers or teammates, what characteristics do they share?
Drive and resilience. My teammates are continually trying to improve and do their jobs better. We all do a great job of bouncing back from failures – letting it go and continuing to push forward to improve and not make the same mistake the next time.